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Ucar Oyuncak, a manufacturer company of plasticand educational toys, established in 1965, has been continuing its commercial existence successfully in the international toy market, while reflecting years of experience on its production with highest technology standards. After the investments made in 2000s, Ucar Oyuncak had the opportunity to expandits productline and is still adding new toys to its range of products. In our factory based in Istanbul, Turkey; we manufacture toys which contribute to the mental and physical development of children from different age groups. Our Tombul Puzzle Series,forin stance, have been created in order to enhancethe capabilities of children.smental development with the help of their design. A 3D city scenery, called Pixel City, has been formed with 190.000 pieces of the sepuzzle cubesby ARS ElectronicaCompany from Austriaand has been exhibited in ARS ElectronicaTechnologies andInvention Museum. (Pixel City . ARSEectronica / www.aec.at) Now our goal is to maintain the success of our trade mark in the local market while entering many more internationalmarkets with ourbrands. We have obtained manyl icenses for our products and we will continue obtaining more licenses according to the tastes of today.skids. Additionally, all of our materials and products are analyzed and tested by SGS Hong Kong, SGS Istanbul and Intertek Istanbu loffices according to the standards of CE Certification sandall of our toysbear CE mark.

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